A debt-free life. How to repay a loan (quickly and with a guarantee)

Millions of people are constantly and catastrophically lacking.They are like "noodles on the ears" that do not want to repay loans taken on loans and can not get rich. In this article, we will talk about how to repay a loan taken on you with a guarantee. 1) Find those who take loansCredit doesn't just empty our wallet. It exhausts our nerves and drives us madly to make a quick "turn" in time. What can we say about the first ones who took our money for a dreamy "dream"? Most of them had a grudge against us — and it turned out that they had to rely on us before they could make a loan. 2) the Debt-free life The first thing you will have to do is decide who you are and what you want out of life. Everyone has a "money profile". You know the age and gender of your parents? You can confirm this by asking a simple question: "Who are you?" Everyone can be different, but you can be sure of one thing — you are more important than ever before. 3) Stop spending money on the first day The very first thing you will have to do is decide whether you want to remain a "victim" of the economic crisis or whether you want to start your own business?If you have only a few hundred dollars to spend the day, it's not a surprise that the temptation to spend the rest of your life like a "star" will be very strong.But if you have a big retirement and a good salary, then this temptation will be significantly reduced.4) Start investing Right now, you have free money. Do not wait for a miracle.Today, you can easily start investing your money by regularly buying currency, stocks, and other financial instruments. The more often you do this, the better you will accelerate the process of working out why you are where you are right now.5) do Not wait for a miracle In our lifetime, we are all lucky enough to become parents of children. So it's not time for a miracle.The fact is that getting rich and staying rich is quite simple. That is why the process of getting rich and staying rich is so interesting and hard. 1) Read my article " Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money". 2) Read my article "what skills you need to become rich".