The stock market crash is the best time to invest (and here's why)

Economic crises are an unavoidable phenomenon in our lives.And this is for a number of reasons: rising incomes and a "peaceful" life without any world wars, revolutions, collapses of all levels of politics, etc. stock market crises are an unavoidable part of life.But if you are a long-term investor, it is always good to know what you should do in a crisis when it occurs.Because a falling market inevitably causes you to increase your stake.Moreover, this is what all successful companies do — they raise their prices regularly (sometimes significantly).So-called "compound interest" will help you make your money "work" in a crisis.Moreover, it is very useful for this:the market "collapses" when the price of securities falls very much;therefore, in an "equilibrium" situation, stock prices tend to rise;therefore, it is better to have an impressive amount of capital in the investment portfolio of a wealthy I will tell you about my very successful investment strategy, which brings me good results every year.I used to be a student. Then I worked. Then I went to work.Then I stopped going to school. I invested.Then I started working for myself. And now I sit with a passive income.4) When does the stock market fall?This question will always remain unanswered, because it is unpredictable and unpredictable events.Therefore, it is useful to understand what is happening for the benefit of our money.To do this, it makes sense to take a fresh look at your investment strategy.You may find that it makes more sense to shift some of your capital to a reliable Bank or to invest in securities.In any case, the timing of market movements is extremely important. So as not to lose your invested money in a falling market.Executive SUMMARY:In any given situation, consider whether it makes sense to continue to adhere to your invested strategy. strategy.In March, we saw the worst collapse in financial markets since the 2008 financial crisis. But it didn't last long. And come again in 2020 and beyond. 2) Read my article " Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money".